Φωκίων Ξένος
Σκηνοθέτης Animation | Motion Designer
Ο Φωκίων Ξένος είναι σκηνοθέτης / σχεδιαστής από την Αθήνα γεννηθείς το 1990. Ως δημιουργός ταινιών κινουμένων σχεδίων (animator) ενδιαφέρεται για παιχνιδιάρικες και τολμηρές ιστορίες που επικεντρώνονται στην οπτική αφήγηση και την συναισθηματική ειλικρίνεια. Με ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στο χιούμορ και το χρώμα επιδιώκει να συνδυάσει πρακτικές και ψηφιακές τεχνικές για τη δημιουργία μοναδικών αναδυόμενων εικόνων. Το graduation film του “Heatwave” από το National Film & Television School στο Λονδίνο έχει βραβευτεί από διεθνώς αναγνωρισμένα φεστιβάλ όπως την Ελληνική Ακαδημία Κινηματογράφου, Edinburgh Int. Film Festival, Cinekid, Athens Int. Film Fest, AnimaSyros καθώς και σε 23 ακόμη διαγωνισμούς. Επιπροσθέτως η ταινία έχει διαγωνιστεί σε πάνω από 100 διεθνή φεστιβάλ συμπεριλαμβανομένων τα Annecy, Anima Mundi, Encounters, LIAF καθώς έγινε και shortlisted για τα μαθητικά BAFTA στο LA και έχει αναδειχθεί ως η καλύτερη φοιτητική ταινία animation από το Royal Television Society.
Animation Director / Motion Designer
Date of Birth
Adress Limehouse, London UK | Ilioupolis, Athens Greece
Mobile Phone +44 (0) 7774 814695 UK | +30 6949456373 GR
Education & Academics
Bachelor Degree
BA in Graphic Design & Communication
(Honours Degree) TEI of Athens
Faculty of Arts & Design
2008 -2012
Masters Degree MA in Directing Animation National Film & Television School
(Degree of Excellence)
Work Experience
2012 – 2013
Intern at Deep Green Sea.net Junior Post Production / Vfx Artist
2013 – 2016
Freelance Vfx Artist / Motion Designer represented by Deep Green Sea.net
2014 – 2017
Co founder and Director at OUT.THERE studios collective.
Skills & Abilities
Greek (Mother Language) English (Proficiency Level)
Professional Skills
/ Animation Direction, Motion Design, Art Direction
/ Storytelling, Storyboarding, Character Design
/ 2d animation, Stop motion animation, Crafting Skills
/ Visual FX, Compositing, Post Production, Colour Correction
/ Editing, Cinematography, Photography
/ Exellent use of MacOSX and Windows OS
Personal Skills
/ Extroverted personality with strong Social and Directing skills
/ Ease of learning design software and animation related techniques
/ Strong Mindset for Combining Practical and Physical techniques
/ Exploratory approach to animation filmaking, Technique testing
/ Strong Pitching and Presentation Skills
Software Skills
/ Adobe Photoshop
/ Adobe Illustrator
/ Adobe After Effects
(Video Coopilot, Red Giant, Mocha Pro, Duik, Plexus)
/ Adobe Premiere
/ Adobe Animate
/ Dragonframe
/ Final Cut Pro
/ Cinema 4D
Personal Interests
Films, Cartoons Photography, Drawing Comics, Video games, Board games, Swimming
Participations, Work Experience and Recognitions
Febuary 2019 – January 2020
/ Freelance Director and Animator
/ Two Short films and A TV series in development with Neda Film Production Company
/ Part of Kids Kino Lab development program
January 2017 – February 2019
/ National Film & Television School, Directing Animation MA, Degree of Excellence.
/ Graduation Film “Heatwave” (2019)
Premiered at ANNECY Animation Festival + 85 Official Selections to Festivals Worldwide
Winner at Edinburgh International Film Festival, Cinekid Festival, Animasyros and 22 more awards Shortlisted for Student BAFTA LA
Semptember 2016 – December 2017
Co-directed the pilot episode of “Aesop Fables” (2017) clay animation series
with Animation Director Joan Zhonga for ERT Public Greek Radio and Television channel.
May 2015
Mandatory 9 month tenure to the Greek Army
May 2014 – January 2015
/ Winner of the 2nd Cu Restart Up Contest with OUT . THERE, Member of the incubator program of Cultural Center ROMANTSO. Office space housing of the team for 8 months.
/ Various commercial projects, collaboration with ROMANTSO and its residents.
April 2014
Co founding member of OUT . THERE team, Director and Compositor
Music Videos for up and coming Greek bands : Whereswilder, Dramamine, Bangies
October 2013 – September 2016
Freelance Vfx Artist / Motion Designer represented by Deep Green Sea.net
/ Vfx & Titles Lead Designer, feature lenght film “Norway” (2014) by Yiannis Veslemes Best Special Effects and Cinematic Innovation Award,
Hellenic Film Academy Awards 2015 and 4 other awards & 7 nominations
/ Vfx & Post Production, short film “ΙΙ” (2014) by Efthimis Kosemund Sanidis.
Nominee for the Golden Pardino – Leopards of Tomorrow Award, Locarno Festival 2014 Best Picture and Best Director Award, Athens International Film Festival 2014
/ Compositing & Post Production, short animation film
” The Guillable Kiss of Mister Patokos” (2014) by Alexandros Apostolakis
Golden Animation Award, 5th Hong Kong International Mobile Film Awards and 8 other nominations
/ Vfx & Post Production, short film “Swordfights” (2013) by Nasos Gatsoulis Nominee for the Best Short Film Award, Athens International Film Festival 2013
January 2012 – September 2013
/ Intern, DeepGreenSea creative agency.
Part of various film and commercial projects and training.
November 2012
Coordinator, Emergent Narrative Workshop in Athens
Collaboration between students in Central St Martins College and ΤΕΙ of Athens
June 2012
Selected atendee of ΤΕΙ of Athens, Erasmus IP INFO ANIMATION in Sardinia